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Prepare for your birthing journey with our comprehensive Birth Preferences Checklist, available as a downloadable PDF. Tailored for expectant parents, this checklist serves as a structured guide for discussing and deciding on birth preferences with healthcare providers. It covers crucial sections, including health information such as Group Beta Strep status, allergies, RH Factor, and any notable health concerns.


The checklist encompasses choices regarding planned delivery methods (Vaginal, C-Section, VBAC, Induction, Water Emersion) and pain management preferences (Unmedicated, Hydrotherapy, Nitrous Oxide, IV Pain Medication, Epidural). You'll find sections for customizing the birthing environment, considerations for Cesarean Sections, post-delivery preferences, baby medications, and feeding choices, including the option to see a lactation consultant.


Empower yourself for a collaborative dialogue with your healthcare team and ensure your birthing experience aligns with your preferences. Keep copies of this checklist handy for discussions with your providers and include it in your hospital bag for reference during your birthing experience.

The Laborhood Birth Preferences Checklist

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